Monday, November 22, 2010

Benefits of aloe vera

Benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera has been used around the world for thousands of years. Aloe vera has been nicknamed as the ‘plant of immortality’ by the Egyptians. It is one of the best medicinal plants available in nature and the Greeks have recorded its various benefits around two thousand years ago. This plant can also enhance beauty. Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera, we bet you didn’t know:
    Aloe vera is fortified with a host of vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, and E. Also calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc etc. These minerals are vital for the smooth functioning of the body.
    The juice of aloe vera is very useful for dental hygiene especially for the treatment of mouth ulcers, sores and cankers.
    For treating hair loss, apply aloe vera gel as it is known to boost hair growth.
    Aloe vera juice is known to be an excellent remedy to control blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial for diabetic patients.
    Fortified with anti-bacterial properties, the pulp of aloe vera is useful for treating wounds, burns etc.
    Aloe vera is a good remedy for treating sunburns as it soothes and heals the affected skin.
    Drinking aloe vera juice is highly beneficial if you want to detox, as it improves bowel movements, boosts immunity and protein absorption in the body. It helps to flush out harmful bacteria from the digestive system. 

By Clara Fernandes
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