Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dazzle your date! Says Ms Clara Fernandes

Everyone should look their very best on their first date. This begins by a careful selection of what you’re going to wear. This should be done keeping in mind what kind of place you are going to on your first date. Usually dates are planned at casual places. So, dress accordingly. The more formal the place, the more formal is the dress. But have two or three dresses ready with accessories to avoid panic on D-Day.

    You must take a shower before you get ready, even if you have had one in the morning. Smelling nice is one of the most important part of this kind of meeting. Use a good perfume before you leave your home or office for your date. But at the same time don’t bathe in perfume, else your date won’t be able to breathe because of your strong perfume.

    Set your hair nicely. If possible, get your hair cut or trimmed a day or two before for a fresh and neat look. Girls should go for a simple hairstyle and blowing drying your hair for a date will help you dazzle your date.

By Clara Fernandes
Email Id : clara_fernandes08@yahoo.com

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