Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secrets to a long-lasting Relationship Says Ms Clara Fernandes

With these tips and little effort on your part, you can rekindle the spark between you and your partner and have it burning forever!

Don’t we all want our relationships to last forever? Worry not. Ms Fernandes will just tell u how it’s possible.
Always be honest
This is a basic need for any kind of relationship to survive. You have to trust your partner and let him/ her believe that they can trust you too. Try and be as truthful as possible and always be reliable.

Accept your partner’s minuses too
No one is perfect — some are lazy, some sloppy, some think differently from how you do, some are always late for dates, some are simply too obsessive and compulsive about little things — and we have to keep that in mind. Accept the person for who they are, and do not try and force them to change for you. That really harms a relationship. At the most, help them understand it’s negative impacts, but don’t always make that as a topic of discussion between the two of you. And never taunt!

Space has a lot to do with it
In every relationship this is one thing that should never be overlooked. Too much of anything might end up suffocating your partner. Being together is great, but not ‘all’ the time. So make sure you always give your partner the space he or she needs. Don’t smother him/her with an overdose of ‘togetherness’. You will just end up pushing him/her away.

When you are wrong, admit it
Arguing that you are always right is not right at all. Be brave enough to admit that you are not. We all make mistakes and we all should remember that it was just that: a mistake. Accept and admit it, and then move on.

Going soft sometimes really helps
Do not scream at your partner. A good relationship that also lasts is usually between two people who are very good friends and who love and respect each other. Don’t insult him/her.

Plan pleasant surprises
Throw a surprise into the equation from time to time. It keeps things between two people lively and interesting. Also remember to be generous with compliments. Just follow one rule — be sincere about your compliments.

Maintain old activities
Keep doing the things the two of you did together in the initial days of the relationship, that brought the two of you closer. Also, maintain the individual activities too, like dressing up for him or her, pursuing your hobbies... and all those other things that played some part in making him/her fall in love with you. Avoid complacency. If you liked going out, don’t stop when you get comfortable with somebody.

Travel together
Getting away from routine daily life can be great for a relationship. Try to travel together at least once a year. But also make sure to take trips away individually. Give the other person the gift of missing you, it’s a fantastic gift. It’s good to miss each other from time to time — it brings back a sense of appreciation.

The ultimate rule
Too often in a relationship we forget ourselves and start to take on the identity of the other person, this is a mistake really. 

By Clara Fernandes
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