Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Men are nice when they are married Says Ms Clara Fernandes

Men tend to behave better when they're married - both because marriage helps to improve their behavior, and nicer men are more likely to be married in the first place. "Not everyone is equally likely to enter the institution of marriage, but those that do enter into it get some benefit from it .Men with fewer nasty qualities were more likely to eventually end up married. Married men try to decreased all the bad qualities in them, They try to adjust with their partner so that relationship works very smoothly. And when they get married, they get even less antisocial. So both things are going on.".Married men may spend more time with their spouses than their friends and bad behaviors such as delinquency and binge drinking tend to be group activities. In addition, married men "have more to lose" if they're caught doing illegal activities, and may care what their spouses think.

Married people as a group tend to be healthier than singles. Still, people with spouses tend to live longer, be less depressed, and suffer less from heart disease and stroke.

By Clara Fernandes
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