Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reebok probe: MCA to take final view soon

New Delhi In the wake of a probe into Walmart's US lobbying efforts to enter Indian retail market remaining inconclusive, the government is now considering a possible framework to define ‘ lobbying’' to differentiate between legitimate and illegitimate activities.

The government had constituted a one- man probe panel to look into Walmart's lobbying activities, after a political furore over the issue late last year. The panel submitted its report to the Corporate Affairs Ministry in May this year, pursuant to which the Ministry sought comments from External Affairs Ministry and Finance Ministry, among others.

An Action Taken Report ( ATR), prepared after taking into account suggestions from Corporate Affairs and External Affairs Ministries, among others, on the probe findings is pending before the Cabinet, which may take it up for consideration soon, sources said.

As the probe findings remained inconclusive on whether the American retail giant violated Indian laws in carrying out lobbying with US lawmakers to enter the country's lucrative retail market, the government is now looking into whether a legal framework needs to be put in place to define lobbying.

The probe was announced by the government in Parliament last December and the findings of the investigations, along with the ATR, may be tabled in the Parliament as well.

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