Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The ten types of friends that most women have

London: Be it a patch-up, breakup, shopping, or a festival, a woman always has a long list of friends who are suitable for that particular occasion. A recent study by promotionalcodes.org.uk
reveals that there are 10 categories of friends that a woman usually has, reports femalefirst.co.uk. Here’s a list of 10 types of friends:
The steady-eddie: The most reliable and trusted of friends, a woman is able to do anything with this person, whether it is going for a night out or shopping. This friend type is someone they have known for at least five years (or probably for much longer).
The shopping buddy: This person has stamina, a good eye for design and a very flexible credit card. One can always rely on them to give an honest feedback when trying clothes on.
The agony aunt: Often an older friend, a mother figure with whom a woman can talk to about stuff they would never want their mother to know.
The crybaby: Woman let this friend cry on their shoulder once, and unfortunately they become the default agony aunt to all their problems.
The Samantha: Samantha does anything, says anything and is, at the best of times, a loose cannon. She's great to go out with in the evenings and one can always expect to have a fun time with her, but she never knows when enough is enough.
The Nigella: The Nigella is the domestic goddess who cooks, cleans and always looks immaculate. Everyone is jealous of a Nigella.
The friend of a friend: They are those people whom one has met a couple of times and, are friends on Facebook. They don’t really have anything in common, other than a mutual acquaintance. The ‘married with kids’: A married with kids friend is someone with whom one had fun until they tied the knot.
The plan B: People don’t admit it but everyone has their ‘plan B’ friend ready to fill a gap when a better friend can’t make a night out. They would never say if someone is their reserve friend — but they better have a good set of excuses to hand as to why they were not invited in the first place.

The all-seeing-eye: The allseeing-eye friend is the ultimate queen of gossip. However, they are careful about how much of their own news they let them have.

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